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Forums > Astuces & soluces > The Last Door 01

The Last Door 01 - 12 Décembre 2013 00:06

A jeu en anglais, solution... en anglais.


- Pick up the rope on the floor.
- Click on the chair to your right to put it up.
- Click on the beams on the ceiling to hang the rope.
- Click on the chair to climb on it and again to hang Anthony.


- Click on the door to enter the mansion.

Entrance Hall

- To the left of the door, there is an end table. There you'll find a note from the servants.

- Enter the door to the right.

Drawing Room

- Examine the cabinet next to the gramophone and take the matchbox.

- Go through the door next to the cabinet.

Downstairs Corridor

- Go left and open the door.


- Take the cloth from the stove to the left of the door.

- Open the door to the right. Go outside and note the bloodthirsty crows. Go back to the corridor.

Downstairs Corridor

- Between the second and third doors, there are three paintings. The middle one is crooked. Click on it until it falls down. Take the rosary. Open the third door.

Maid's Room

- Take the lamp on top of the chest of drawers.

- Read the note on the desk to find out about the cat. Note the cat's bowl under the window. Examine the window, which won't stay open.

- Use the rosary on the window to keep it open. Go out into the corridor.

Downstairs Corridor

- The last door is padlocked, so go back to the second door, and downstairs. Cross the entrance hall and go up the stairs.

Upstairs Corridor

- Use the matches on your lamp to light it.

- The first door is locked, so carry on. Note the planks covering a hole in the wall.

- Open the door to the left of the planks.


- There is a devilishly hidden silver key at the head of the bed. Take it.

- Note that the balcony is connected with the other room, if only you could open it.

- Go all the way downstairs, through the entrance hall and into the downstairs corridor.

Downstairs Corridor

- Go all the way down the corridor and use the silver key to open the last (padlocked) door. You're now in the basement.


- To your left, you'll see a colourful thing. It's a record. Take it.

- Walk on until you see a boiler. To the right of it, there's a crowbar. Take it.

- Note the fresh cement on the wall. Go out and all the way to the drawing room.

Drawing Room

- Put the record on the record player. Go out into the hall, then back in.

- All the crows are now in the drawing room. Spooky. Go through the kitchen and out the back door.


- Take the dying crow lying in a pool of blood. You freak. Go into the downstairs corridor and into the maid's room.

Maid's Room

- Put the crow into the cat's bowl. Go into the entrance hall, then upstairs.

Upstairs Corridor

- Use the crowbar to remove planks from the hole in the wall. Go in.

Anna's Bedroom

- Read the notes on the floor. Read the note in the Anna's hand. She will drop a hairpin. Take it. Go through the door to the left.

Portrait Room

- Notice the fresh paint on the portrait beneath the window. Go back into the corridor and into the bedroom to the left.


- Use the hairpin on the balcony door. Go into the adjacent room.


- Note the stuffed lynx on the left. Read a note on the desk. To the right, on the floor, find a can of thinner and take it.

- Near the thinner, at the bottom of the screen, find a hammer and take it. Read the torn out pages to the left.

- Examine the trapdoor at the top of the ladder to the left, see that it needs a golden key. Open the door to the right and go out into the upstairs corridor, then downstairs and into the basement.


- Use the hammer to break down the wall to the left. Take the knife. Go out and all the way upstairs, through the hole in the wall and into the portrait room.

Portrait Room

- Use the thinner on the cloth, then wipe the painting beneath the window. Go to the study on the far left of the corridor.


- Use the knife to open the lynx's mouth. Take the golden key.

- Use the golden key on the trapdoor at the top of the ladder. Go up.


- Find poor, dead Anthony. Read a letter in his pocket.

A bientôt pour l'épisode 2.
Crédits soluce : http://jayisgames.com/archives/2013/07/the_last_door_chapters_1_2.php


Parties jouées: 6889

Inscrit le: 19 Décembre 2011